10/3 Whole team meeting and CalGames Info
At the team meeting today we went through a lot of information rather quickly, and especially a lot to do with CalGames. So here is a brief recap of all of the information from the team meeting:
VEX Captains have requested the number of CAD Licenses, and we can begin installing them on the team laptops tomorrow.
Scouting Leadership applications should be submitted to scottycardona@gmail.com no later than 11:59pm Wednesday Oct. 3rd
Bellarmine VEX Volunteer form is now online! If you are not associated with a VEX team or your captain says it is okay, you can fill out the form to be given a volunteer position. You can fulfill your outreach requirement by volunteering! And get a free T-shirt!
And a list of all the information to do with CalGames:
- CalGames is on Friday October 12th and Saturday October 13th at Woodside High school, 199 Churchill Ave. Woodside, CA 94062
- Friday begins at 3:30, closes at 8:00
- Saturday is 7:00am-5:30pm
- 8 students can fulfill half of their outreach requirement by signing up to volunteer Saturday night. Look to the signups page for more info
- Attendance is limited to 40 team members at a time, so RSVP on the signups page!
- One slot will fulfill a tournament requirement but everyone is encouraged to attend for as long as they are able
- Attendance will be taken at the beginning and at the end of each shift. This is how credit will be awarded. If you are present at time when your name is not on the list, then you will not be given credit for that shift
- Freshmen are required to attend CalGames. If this is problematic, contact Ms. Roemer immediately
- Friday is mainly for returning members, new members are not encouraged to attend
- Consent Forms must be signed and turned in to Ms. Roemer by Wednesday, October 10th. No Consent form means you will not be allowed to attend CalGames
- Rides will not be provided to or from Woodside. Please find your own means of transportation, including carpooling with other 254 members!
- Students who signed up for the CalGames food order should reimburse Ms. Roemer $7 before next Wednesday, October 10th.
- Food will be available at Woodside for those who did not use the sign up form; however, it is on a first come, first serve basis
image courtesy of: //wrrf.org//media.team254.com/CalGames-2012-Logo-FINAL.png