Blog - February 2011

Day 46: Ship Day

The robot has shipped and is on its way to San Diego.

Day 45: The Day Before Ship

Today was the last day of build before the robot ships to San Diego.  We spent the day doing everything we possibly could to get the robot ready to compete.  After several hours of  chasing pressure leaks on the competition robot, we finally tracked down a leak in the regulator and got it fixed so that the robot will now hold pressure.  Furthermore, we finished the blue bumpers today so that we can get those shipped.  The Finance and Award Submissions Teams were also hard at work today on write-ups and the robot bill of materials which must be finished before competition.  Finally, we did a robot photo shoot with the robot on seamless white paper.  Photos need to be edited but will be up in the next few days.

Tomorrow, we will ship the robot and bumpers.  We plan on withholding the carriage/arm assembly and the minibot deployment system (not yet built) and bringing these to San Diego as part of our withholding allowance.

Day 44: Robot Drive Tests

Today, we got the practice robot up to the point that the competition robot got to yesterday and ran some driving tests on the field.  It scores well.

Days 42-43: Scrimmage Preparations & Robot Finishing

Scrimmage Preparations

After a very stressful period of the field shipment being delayed, it finally arrived at about 1:30PM on Saturday, Day 43.  We immediately started assembly and had it just about done before dinner time.

Robot Finishing

Both us and our sister team, 1868 have been finishing up our robots.  Today, 254 ran its first tube test and scored several tubes on all rack locations after loading tubes from the ground and the human player.  The scoring mechanism works great but the elevator and arm need some additional programming to increase controllability.

Day 41: Chairman’s Submitted and All Parts Back


Today, our Chairman’s Submission was published.  You can read it here.  The Chairman’s Award is FIRST‘s highest honor, celebrating excellence as a whole team in addition to success on the field.


Today, we got the last batch of parts back from the powder coater.  At this point, all parts have returned from their respective sponsors.  Assembly has started and will continue tomorrow.

Scrimmage Preparations

Unfortunately, our practice field has gotten stuck in Chicago and got slightly delayed.  Due to the generosity of NASA, our title sponsor, the field was expedited and will be here between 5AM and 7AM on Saturday.  We will need to work extremely hard to get everything ready for the scrimmage.

Day 40: Elevator

Today, the elevator worked for the first time.  It is extremely fast.  We are taking the final batch of parts to the powdercoating shop in the morning.

Day 39: Meetings

Today, we had our whole team meeting at the lab.  Many team members and parents came together to discuss the robot and preparations for this weekend’s scrimmage.


The VEX Animation was submitted Saturday.

See it here:


The FRC Animation is being uploaded as I am posting this.

See it here:


Day 38: Machining, Wiring & Pneumatics


Today, the machining team worked on the elevator second stage top and bottom caps.  The bottom caps are complete and the top caps are in progress.

Furthermore, on the lathe, we worked on various spacers and shafts.

Wiring, Pneumatics & Programming

Today, we finished (except for sensors) wiring the bases on both robots.  Our second cRio arrived and we flashed it, allowing us to run both robots simultaneously.  We plumbed the pneumatics on the base of both robots and ran a pneumatics test on the practice robot.  After fixing several leaks, the system is good to go.

Control Boards

Today, we got the control board back from the CNC routing sponsor.  The next step is assembly.

Days 36 & 37: Driving Robots

After countless hours of gearbox building, wiring and troubleshooting, the practice robot is finally driving.  Furthermore, we have assembled one set of  bumpers.

Day 35: Gearboxes, Field Trips, Bumpers and More

Today at the lab, we got our parts back from the anodize shop which allowed us to finally start assembling gearboxes.  Everything looks great and this task should be finished in the next few days.

Pressing bearings into the gears and plates.

Gearbox parts awaiting assembly.

Unmounted gearbox.

A mounted gearbox with one motor.

Mounted gearbox.

On a separate note, we had several FIRST Lego League students who came to tour the lab today.

Nagy speaking to the FLL students.

Also today, the manufacturing and assembly teams were hard at work finishing the bumper frames. We will wrap fabric on the bumper frames tomorrow to hopefully finish the bumpers.

The minibot team has just about completed the CAD model of the final minibot. The design is now due for review and manufacturing in the next few days.

Minibot climbing the tower.

Day 34: Manufacturing, Programming & Bumper Assembly


Today, the manufacturing department was hard at work finishing most of the parts for the bumpers and working on the shifter dogs and minibot deployment rail end caps.  We hope to have every machined part done by Monday.


The programming team has been busy over the last few weeks perfecting teleoperated drive code.  Using a mix of linear, exponential and logarithmic functions, they have refined Onslaught’s teleoperated control.


The bumpers are coming together.  Today, we put all the steel nut plates onto the bumpers and cut pool noodles to length.  They should be completed tomorrow.

Day 33: Manufacturing

Today, we continued to work on manufacturing many of the primary parts for the robot.  The dog gears were started and are coming along great.  Furthermore, the bumper corner pieces are completed leaving the bumper pins as the only pieces remaining to be able to finish the bumpers.

The robot CAD as of today.

Day 32: Manufacturing

While we are waiting for parts to return from the andoize shop, we have been doing a ton of manufacturing.  Today, we finished lightening all of the robot’s gears and finished milling bumper wood.  Furthermore, we cut the steel bumper pin mount pieces and worked on shafts and spacers on the lathe.

Day 31: Wiring & Manufacturing


Today, we continued wiring the robots.  The competition robot is coming along nicely and is nearing completion.  It should be completed in the next few days as soon as our remaining orders come in.

Nagy and Travis wiring the competition robot.


Today, the CNC team was lightening gears and cutting dog teeth into the shifter gears.  On the lathe, several team members worked tag-team all day to keep the machine running constantly while making spacers and shafts.

Roshan turning spacers on the lathe.

On the mill, we were working to turn out the wood backings for the bumpers which should be completed tomorrow so that bumper assembly can proceed.  We also received the bumper fabric back from embroidery today.

Reiley and Andrew milling wooden bumper backings.

Cutting the bumper wood.

Days 29 & 30: Wiring Weekend

First of all, I apologize for not putting a post up last night.  I got home late and forgot to grab pictures off the camera before leaving and thought that a blog post without pictures might be a bit boring.

Anyway, today was our big weekend of wiring the robot.  After countless man-hours of work put in by many dedicated team members, the practice robot wiring is complete and the competition robot is half-way complete.  We are still waiting on some components to mount on the comp robot electronics board before we can finish wiring.

Laying down wires.

The practice robot's electronics board.

On Sunday, we were able to successfully test all of the speed controllers and relays on the practice robot.

Machining is coming along well too.  The gears for the gearboxes are almost done being lightened and we are sending out many parts to anodize in the morning.

The programming and controls team has been hard at work.  We have put together joysticks for the control board and have worked to put provisions into the code for the control board.

Day 28: We Have Robots!

Today, we got parts back from both the anodize and powder coat shops and began assembling and wiring the frames.  Our sponsors are the best, allowing us to get frames powder coated in 1.5 days so that we can catch up on our schedule.

Powder Coated Robot Frame=

Powder Coated Arms.

Mounting electronics.


Completed speed controller wiring on the practice robot.

The Robot with Superstructure.

The robot with last year's bumpers.

Animation Status

Currently we have finished all the scenes of the VEX animation besides the last one of the gameplay.  We will render the 3rd through 5th scenes of the animation tonight and have them all posted to the Dropbox in the morning.

The gameplay scene is being finished by Johnathan Chang as I am typing and will be completed and rendered by Sunday morning.

Bhargava Manja will record all of the voices for the scenes we have rendered by tomorrow.

Erik Anderson will have the music done Saturday.

Day 27: Prototyping, Manufacturing & Design


Today, the prototyping group worked on their minibot design.  The minibot is coming together.  However, we have hit a setback in that one of our motors has burned out and we need a replacement.


The manufacturing team was hard at work today machining a number of plates and lathes for the robot.

The robot frames were dropped off at the powder coat sponsor early this morning and should be completed tomorrow.

A team of students marked out the locations for the embroidered team numbers on the bumpers.  They will be embroidered beginning tomorrow.


Today the design team worked on the design for the bumpers and the control board.  We are hoping to get the control boards cut on a CNC router but are looking for potential sponsors.