Blog - November 2014

Bellarmine VEX Tournament

The 7th Annual Bellarmine VEX Tournament, hosted by Team 254, will be held November 21-22, 2014 project management web app. The event is free for spectators. The best time to watch is from the alliance selection process (3pm Saturday), through the finals, which will finish by 6:30pm.


Changes from Last Year

  • There are more teams competing, so if you can, please get inspected on Friday evening (6 – 8pm). We’ll officially open the pits at 7am and start inspections at 7:15am on Saturday.
  • We will have a photo booth setup with a backdrop for professional looking photos of your robot and/or team. This will be located next to the skills challenge field on the 2nd floor of the Sobrato building.
  • We will have a competition Instagram: Use #BELLVEX in Instagram during the tournament and see your picture appear on displays in the Pits and in Sobrato.


Friday, November 21, 2014
6 pm – 8 pm Check-In and Inspection (in Liccardo)
7 pm – 9 pm Practice time for teams
Saturday, November 22, 2014
7:00 am Pit Area and Registration Opens (in Liccardo)
8:00 am Check-in Deadline for teams (at Pit Admin in Liccardo)
7:15 am – 8:30 am Inspection (in Liccardo)
7:30 am – 8:30 am Practice Rounds (in Sobrato Theater)
8:30 am – 8:45 am Driver’s Meeting (in Sobrato Theater)
8:30 am – 9:30 am Sign up for judging interview (at Pit Admin table)
8:45 am Welcome (in Sobrato Theater)
9:00 am – 12:30pm Qualifying Rounds (in Sobrato Theater)
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch Break (We will have Pizza Order Forms)
1:00 pm – 2:35 pm Qualifying Rounds Continue (in Sobrato Theater)
2:45 pm Alliance Selection Process (in Sobrato Theater)
3:00 pm – 5:30 pm Elimination Rounds (in Sobrato Theater)
~5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Finals, Awards, Closing Ceremony (in Sobrato Theater)

Tournament Location & Parking

Bellarmine College Preparatory 960 W. Hedding St. San Jose, CA 95126

Google Maps

Campus Map

For the competition, the pits are in Liccardo cafeteria and the competition fields in Sobrato theater. These are #6 and #7 on the campus map at: //

Street parking is very limited due to permit parking restrictions. There is additional parking by Emory and Stockton streets. Check in with the Pit Admin when you arrive, who will provide you with a map of the tournament facilities.

Northern California VRC Championship Qualifications

We are qualifying 8 teams for the Northern California VRC State Championship:

  • 3 Team Winning Alliance
  • 3 Team Finalists
  • 1 Design Award winner
  • 1 Excellence Award winner

Awards Given

  • Excellence Award
  • Design Award
  • Judges Award
  • Sportsmanship Award


We will offer pizza for preorder. Info will be sent in a different email. We will have a few pasta dinners available for Friday night and will be offering snacks and drinks on Saturday.

Information For Competitors

  • If you cannot arrive before close of check-in at 8am, please call or text (preferred): 408-377-5330 or email:
  • If you want to be considered for the Excellence or Design awards, you will need to sign up for an interview by 9:30am. Go to the Pit Admin to schedule (or change your appointment time if needed). The interview rooms are on the second floor of the Sobrato Theater building near the swimming pool.
  • The skills challenge field is also on the 2nd floor of the Sobrato theater building. Teams are not limited to the number of attempts, however, any team with fewer than 3 attempts can move ahead of other teams waiting in line.
  • Bring your signed VEX competition waiver, available at: //
  • Check the match schedule when it is published and make sure you are ready for each match. We try hard to keep matches running on time.
  • Be sure your robot is ready for inspection. Double check the requirements here: //
  • Have fully charged batteries for each match.
  • Be sure the drivers and coach have safety glasses when they arrive at the field to compete.
  • Bring a power strip. We should have an outlet within 6′ of your table for you to plug into.
  • WiFi will be available in the pits
  • A Help Desk will be available with a limited supply of parts should anything break or you are unable to pass inspection

Information For Novices

It is highly recommended for you to arrive Friday to go through the inspection and try a couple practice matches. Friday will be much more relaxed and our inspectors will be able to help you through the inspection process. Also, our field managers will be able to guide you through the competition process. Be sure to bring fully charged batteries, chargers, spare parts and tools in case anything breaks. Ensure your VEXnet keys are working well.

Vex logo

Bay Area Science Festival

At the Bay Area Science Festival we got the opportunity to speak with many teams in the area about their robots; these teams included Team 1868, Team 604, and many more. We also talked to developers and engineers around the bay area representing their organizations and companies. The representatives of the Berkeley high school robotics competition (Pioneers in Engineering) were present, and we were able to discuss how to reach out to high schools with smaller STEM programs using competitive robotics. In addition to the robotics booths around our demo area, there were over 100 different stands and booths on the ground floor of the stadium, each bringing STEM to the public in a different and interesting way.

A view of the Bay Area Science Festival

A view of the Bay Area Science Festival

One booth allowed people to separate the DNA from a strawberry plant using alcohol and detergent. Another stand presented a demo for the MIT app maker (// and the presenter created a text to speech android application in front of us in less than 5 minutes! Not only were there copious booths, but amiable and experienced engineers and scientists were everywhere and ready to discuss their field of research. By the fire pits, environmental scientists discussed the future of agriculture. By the portable planetarium, an astronomy professor discussed the reason for Pluto not being a planet with an interested and engaged audience.


Miggy (team 254 member) relaxing with an impressive view of the festival

At our booth, interested fans asked us about FIRST and how it is organized, as well as the build of our robot and its specs. Children and adults alike had fun driving Barrage using our two joysticks and were guided by our driver, Christian. Even beyond our booth, FRC alumni (including one very kind and complimentary college student who was presenting for the Berkeley Science Review) recognized our team and started conversations about this year’s robot, Barrage, and some of our past robots and competitions.


Two 254 members with their free merchandise posing with a giant bug

All in all this was a great opportunity for our team to talk to STEM supporters all over the area. We had a lot of interesting and inspiring discussions with many of the people here, and look forward to next year’s Bay Area Science Festival!