Day #39: Scrimmage Day 2

Lab Scrimmage

Today more teams arrived to the lab to use the field for practice, including 256, 751, 840, 1700, and 4535. The operators tested various shooting, climbing and driving mechanisms, as well as software.

Assembly & Wiring

Due to a lack of space in the lower workbenches of the lab, students and mentors transferred the robot to tables in the upper deck, and worked on wiring the competition robot. In the lower workbenches, students worked on assembling the climbing mechanism, which will be later attached to the robots.


Today, mentors and students machined shafts for the climbing mechanism on the lathe.


Most of the programming involved minor changes to ports and testing motors, Talons, and encoders on the competition robot.

Pit Lights

A few programmers tried to capture the signal sent by the IR remotes that control the new pit lights. Unfortunately, they could not get the Microsoft IR receiver or the Arduino to capture the signal properly. When they do, they’ll record the values corresponding to buttons on the remote and try to send those signals with the Arduino IR transmitter. This would allow a script to send data to the Arduino regarding which color to change the lights to. Ideally, we’ll be able to bypass the sensors altogether and send signals directly to the lights without IR.

Expected closing time for the lab: 7:20 AM