Day 45: Home Stretch
by Dorian Chan and Abhishek Aditham
Today the programmers worked on state machines for the shooter on the robot. They have been using state machines for various subsystems on the robot in order to control and interact with them. State machines track what state the robot is in and change the state based on input.
The web guys worked on creating a pit display for competition, where people will be able to view information about the team’s robot.
Parts Organization
Team members worked on sorting miscellaneous parts into blue bins. By organizing misplaced parts, the team will be more efficient at finding parts it needs.
Some students worked on creating mounts made out of polycarb for the robot’s air tanks using the drillpress and the bandsaw. They later put the tanks onto the robot using the mounts and worked on finishing the pneumatic system.
Electronics and Wiring
A couple of members worked on mounting and wiring the router onto the robot. This router is the primary means of communication between the driver station and the robot. Members working on the sponsor panels took a break cutting out the stickers for the Decepticon insignia.
The team also worked on finishing the red bumpers for the robot and one of the blue bumpers. A couple other students created labels of the team’s sponsors for the side panels. The team has decided to put sponsor names on the side panels of both robots, and so far the competition panels have been completed.
The team also worked on replacing the shifter plates for the practice robot’s drivebase.
The graphics design team continued work on developing a flier to showcase the robot.
Action Items
- Finish sponsor panels for practice robot with Jeremy, Mani and Travis
- Prepare for the photo shoot
- Finish both competition and practice robots
- Programming the hot goal sensors with Tom and Brandon
- Work on the flier and T-shirt with Kevin