Pre-STL Day 5: Shopping Spree & Dieting


Today, students and mentors worked together to design new subsystems of the robot.  For instance, a new gearbox was designed for the intake lowering and raising, which would replace the current VEX planetary gearbox.  The VEX planetary was very inefficient and quite heavy. The new gearbox with its motor will be marginally heavier than the previous setup, and it has the benefit of a more favorable gear reduction. After the design work was completed and verified, the team went online to sites like AndyMark and McMaster to order these new necessary parts.  It is essential that these parts are ordered and arrive quickly, as time is running out before World Championships.



The team is scrambling to find places to trim weight on the robot.  The new shooter wheels and intake gearbox are adding some weight to the robot, so the team trimmed some fat by removing the side panels, removing the pressure gauge support plate, and other areas. The 1/16″ side panels will eventually be replaced by side panels made of 1/32″ polycarb. Together, all the weight reductions will put us under weight. Although we are cutting it very close, we will eventually get to where we want to be.


Programming and Sensors

The programmers experimented with VEX bumper sensors as a means of detecting whether or not the frisbee is fully loaded in the indexer, and thus ready to transfer up to the shooter.  They attached two bumper sensors via double stick tape on either side of the hard-stop plate.  The next step of this is to wire the sensors to the digital sidecar and write up some codes.  When completed, the bump sensors will allow for increased speed of rapid fire. Tests will determine the reliability and durability of this setup to ensure it can survive the stresses of competition.